68 research outputs found

    Data Poisoning Attacks in Contextual Bandits

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    We study offline data poisoning attacks in contextual bandits, a class of reinforcement learning problems with important applications in online recommendation and adaptive medical treatment, among others. We provide a general attack framework based on convex optimization and show that by slightly manipulating rewards in the data, an attacker can force the bandit algorithm to pull a target arm for a target contextual vector. The target arm and target contextual vector are both chosen by the attacker. That is, the attacker can hijack the behavior of a contextual bandit. We also investigate the feasibility and the side effects of such attacks, and identify future directions for defense. Experiments on both synthetic and real-world data demonstrate the efficiency of the attack algorithm.Comment: GameSec 201

    Task-agnostic Exploration in Reinforcement Learning

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    Efficient exploration is one of the main challenges in reinforcement learning (RL). Most existing sample-efficient algorithms assume the existence of a single reward function during exploration. In many practical scenarios, however, there is not a single underlying reward function to guide the exploration, for instance, when an agent needs to learn many skills simultaneously, or multiple conflicting objectives need to be balanced. To address these challenges, we propose the \textit{task-agnostic RL} framework: In the exploration phase, the agent first collects trajectories by exploring the MDP without the guidance of a reward function. After exploration, it aims at finding near-optimal policies for NN tasks, given the collected trajectories augmented with \textit{sampled rewards} for each task. We present an efficient task-agnostic RL algorithm, \textsc{UCBZero}, that finds ϵ\epsilon-optimal policies for NN arbitrary tasks after at most O~(log(N)H5SA/ϵ2)\tilde O(\log(N)H^5SA/\epsilon^2) exploration episodes. We also provide an Ω(log(N)H2SA/ϵ2)\Omega(\log (N)H^2SA/\epsilon^2) lower bound, showing that the log\log dependency on NN is unavoidable. Furthermore, we provide an NN-independent sample complexity bound of \textsc{UCBZero} in the statistically easier setting when the ground truth reward functions are known

    A Unified Approximation Framework for Compressing and Accelerating Deep Neural Networks

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved significant success in a variety of real world applications, i.e., image classification. However, tons of parameters in the networks restrict the efficiency of neural networks due to the large model size and the intensive computation. To address this issue, various approximation techniques have been investigated, which seek for a light weighted network with little performance degradation in exchange of smaller model size or faster inference. Both low-rankness and sparsity are appealing properties for the network approximation. In this paper we propose a unified framework to compress the convolutional neural networks (CNNs) by combining these two properties, while taking the nonlinear activation into consideration. Each layer in the network is approximated by the sum of a structured sparse component and a low-rank component, which is formulated as an optimization problem. Then, an extended version of alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) with guaranteed convergence is presented to solve the relaxed optimization problem. Experiments are carried out on VGG-16, AlexNet and GoogLeNet with large image classification datasets. The results outperform previous work in terms of accuracy degradation, compression rate and speedup ratio. The proposed method is able to remarkably compress the model (with up to 4.9x reduction of parameters) at a cost of little loss or without loss on accuracy.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 6 table